Monday, August 8, 2011

Are you looking to have a STRESS-FREE Holiday Season?

Yes it seems a little early, however to keep the financial stress low, it takes early planning! So it's NOT too early to set money aside to have that holiday season you can actually enjoy instead of stress over!

This images breaks it down for you, if you're interested please email me:

side note...Did you know ItWorks is a Christian Based company? Always referring to the Bible for guidance and motivation, always give thanks to the Lord who provides! =D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Giving Up

We all have moment when we want to give up. At this moment the choice you make defines you as a person. You can either throw in the towel give up and that be that, and usually down the road you'll regret your decision or you'll give up on something that means even more to you out of habit. Next option is to not give up, to push onward and realize that sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. Just because things get hard shouldn't make you quit, if it gets hard, get mad and push harder!

"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down."
~ Charles F. Kettering

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time is RUNNING OUT!!!!

This company is breaking sales records EVERY MONTH!!!!!! Timing is everything when getting on with a direct sales company. Imagine those who got on early with Avon, Mary Kay, Partylite, etc etc. your time is NOW and you can make your first $100 profit as soon as you get your kit.

Don't let this pass you up!!!!! You'll be sorry in a couple years when ItWorks! is a household name and you missed your opportunity......

Looking to Host a Party?!?!?

Are you looking to earn a wrap for FREE????

-My hostess get 1 FREE wrap with at least 6 paying attendees
-Wraps are discounted from $35 a piece to only $20 for your guests
-If my hostess gets 4 people to become a Loyal Customer they get 4 wraps for FREE
-If someone from your party books a party my hostess can get any item at wholesale price

Get the friends together (yes even men) and lets tighten, tone, and GET YOUR SEXY BACK!

Picture taken from one of my wrap parties!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Blog

I have decided that eventho everyone has a Facebook nowadays i will post random blog about my personal experiences with ItWorks, my teams experiences, motivation, encouragement, quotes, and of course answer questions. Please follow by email so you never miss out :)