April's Personal Life

Well, This section is going to be about my personal life and what goes on in it :) I've been married going on 10 years (July 20th '12) we've been together since I was 15 and have beat all odds thrown at us! Dameron supports me in every venture i've ever done, which has been so many. I've owed some sort of business since i was 19 years old, started with some other companies that were MLM based as well, never made anything. I then opened up a Children's Resale store front and ran that for a while. Due to the military i had to sell my portion and move to California. While in California I studied mortgages and become a loan officer, did promos for energy drinks, and sold for more at home businesses. While down their I started up my photography business, and when we moved back to Oregon I opened up a storefront studio in a small town. I ran my photography studio for 4 years, slowly realizing the competition was fierce, and it's hard to compete with people giving everything away for free. One random day I was on facebook and found these results pictures, & I notice a big difference. After many hours of research I decided I needed to try it out. Tried it, loved it...IT WORKED! :) Became a distributor with ItWorks Global on April 29th 2011! Best decision we've made in YEARS! We love every minute of it, the people we meet, the fun we have, and the freedom we're gaining! We have 2 daughters, Naomi who will be 9 this year in October, and Katrina who will be 7 this year in December! They're our life, our reason for working so hard to have a better life than we did as children. They are also my main reason to be able to work from home, I want to raise my daughters not pay someone else to :) Here's my family last year at the Portland Airshow :)

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