Friday, May 25, 2012

10 A Day Challenge

So I started my team on an 8 day Challenge. Started Wednesday and ends on this Thursday. 10 A Day, what is that? I've challenged them for 8 days to make it a point to contact, blitz, follow up, etc. with 10 people per day at least. By the end of this challenge they would of contacted 80 people!!!! If them and their entire team do this, lets say they have 5 distributors under them doing it, plus them in a short 8 days that team reached out to 480 people!!!!! This theory is from the book, "The Compound Effect". We're on day number 3, unfortunately we've lost some participants, but those sticking it out will reap great rewards! My hope is by the end of the 8 days they can really SEE & FEEL the difference it made and keep doing it. Go team GO!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's Been a While

Wow it's sure been a while! Time to get back into the swing of things and keep this blog up and going! Exciting news I received yesterday, Portland will be having a One Team One Mission tour! I will be hosting this event, and cannot wait to get the ball rolling and let corporate know that the great NW is here and kickin too! My NW team is beyond excited to attend and help out and of course get the word out to bring as many as possible. As information is received i will share! I can say it'll be in July as of right now! Ok well there's my little update, I'm going to try to make my blog a little more pretty, and appeasing to those who stop by and read :) Also i have a motivation fan page now as well, if you or anyone you know might need some daily positive feeds into their facebook come become a fan: