Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ItWorks Sugar Scrub!


2 scoops of IWG "GREENS"
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp sea salt
1 tsp lemon juice
2 drops of tea tree oil

Get yours GREENS & DEFINING GEL here: www.JoinApril.com

Monday, June 25, 2012

Read and understand, your chance is HERE!

This is the It Works way!!!-- Oh Yeah!!! I went on an interview for a job and when the boss asked what I wanted for compensation I replied:
1. First, I would like commission on everything I sell and I want to see that percentage get far higher as I improve. ...
2. I expect to receive a $600 Monthly Bonus as soon as I bring in 60 new customers.
3. If 24 people decide they want to do this too within my first 4 months, I expect to get a $400 a month bonus for 25 months, equaling $10,000 so I can pay off my debt.
4. I would also like the opportunity to earn discounted merchandise every month based on my new customers.
5. I expect you to provide me with the very best website and free online training plus leadership training in great places ALL OVER the Country.
6. When I bring in and train any new sales people, I deserve to be compensated a percentage of their sales and when they do well, I expect that you reward us both with bonuses.
7. I would like the opportunity to rapidly advance within the company and I will expect the corporate owners & management team to take a personal interest in me and to be accessible for one-on-one interaction.
8. When I do well, I expect LOTS of praise and recognition, plus free products, special awards, and even cash bonuses!!
9. I would like my friends and family to work here.
10. By the way, I need to set my own schedule and work only when it suits me and my family. So... when can I start?
After the owner recovered from shock, he ROARED with laughter, "Man, you can't be serious! You're dreaming! You'll never find an opportunity like that ANYWHERE! And if you do...come back and get me because I want to work with you!"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Don't be THIS Person

ItWorks Global is growing at a rate so fast, so quick, that no one was expecting it! We have the HOTTEST product on the market right now. Getting on with a company while its growing so large is so imperative! Why? Because YOU get the growth underneath you, in your organization, and grow your business. Can you Imagine your sales being $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, or even a MILLION in a month???? Guess what people it's HAPPENING and its happening with ItWorks and right NOW!!!!!!

I'm looking for only serious people, those who can SEE the potential this company has to offer you. Those who believe in what we have to offer people. Those who know they deserve this opportunity and won't give up on them self or their families future. If you're truly ready to change your life and every life you come in contact with, don't wait any longer, make TODAY the day! Because honestly, if you're reading this now and don't join, in a year you WILL wish you would of!!!!! GO HERE: http://www.joinapril.com/

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One Team. One Mission. Portland

WOW how exciting! If you're not with ItWorks then you're probably not excited at all.... BUT YOU SHOULD BE!!!! I will tell you why :)

I've been with this company for just over a year. ItWorks started in Michigan then moved its headquarters down to sunny Florida. So for the most part all big wig leaders and corporate staff is on the east coast. Since i've been on board i've dreamed of having corporate come over here. I've talked with the owners of the company many months back and they said we just weren't big enough out here yet, but they were excited that its starting. Back in November/December i made it my GOAL for this year to be able to get corporate out here. Which meant a ton of growth, lots of persistence, and me stepping into the unknown. And I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone can relate to the feeling of accomplishing a big goal!

They will be here for a 1 night only event on Thursday July 12th 6pm-9pm at the Holiday Inn by the Portland Airport. http://1t1mportland2012.eventbrite.com/ Get your tickets at that link, guests are FREE & if you become a distributor it's only $10! This opportunity meeting will open your eyes to the unthinkable, give you HOPE, NEW FRIENDS, FUN, & your chance at FREEDOM!!!! Please if you're in driving distance don't miss this chance, its their first time here in the Great NW and i want to show them how AWESOME we are!!! Please come be my guest, and if you have any questions at all please shoot me an email: HaldysFightFat@yahoo.com

Monday, June 11, 2012

Right Place...Right Time

So many people "wish" & "hope" to be in the right place at the right time. Are you one of them? People gamble their future on luck yet happily miss over true opportunities. Is that you? is it easier for you to buy scratch its, lottery tickets, go to the casino, etc. than to find a genuine opportunity? Do you feel that how you grew up, is what you're destined to become? Do you think that it's possible to start a new legacy for your family?

Well right time & right place is HERE! Change the family legacy to something bigger & better. I am an everyday person, I do the same things everyone else does, and guess what, I put my pants on 1 leg at a time. The difference between myself and most people out there, is i am choosing to change my family legacy. Dameron & myself are determined to not work til "retirement" which is 70! To then live on a social security check that won't hardly cover anything and at this point who knows if it'll even be available for us. WOW that's a very uncertain future that I don't want nor do I want to leave my children with. I choose to seize the opportunity that's sitting in front of me, and my mission is to tell as many people about it as i can. Most people don't join me for one main reason....fear of failing! Well let me tell you like i tell my team, you HAVE to fail to ever have success, if you didn't fail a time or two how would you even be able to recognize your success when you achieved it? The huge difference is letting the failure keep you down, or getting back up and fighting twice as hard the next time. I'm a fighter, always have been, when i set my mind to get something....I get it! My families goals, dreams, & life style is more important to me than a day of being lazy, saying "I can't" or "its too hard" my family deserves more than those nasty excuses! Does yours?

ItWorks Global is THE It company right now. Since January over 400% growth! Our amazing wraps are such a HOT item the company is having trouble keeping up with the over 50,000 orders per WEEK! Finding a genuine opportunity like this, won't happen very often in your life. It makes me so MAD when people know about this company, have heard the stories of how its changing peoples lives,then complain about not having enough money. Don't complain about something you can change...its YOUR choice to not have enough money, to work for "the man", and to retire at the age of 70 & hope Social Security will still be around. We all have choices in life, and everyone has that right. But if you truly want to change your future, you're reading this...this is your BIG MOMENT, this is a pivotal moment that will change your family legacy forever. ItWorks isn't going to keep growing at the pace it is right now, it'll end up plateauing like most companies, and when it does, your paycheck as a distributor will as well, the amount could be $200 a month, or $20,000 a month and everywhere in between. This company truly pays you for as hard as you work, wouldn't that be nice to actually get paid your WORTH! Imagine for a second if you would of been one of the first 100,000 reps for Avon that 125 years ago...imagine the empire if other reps under you, and where your families financial situation would be? Yes that's what I'm offering you. Your time is HERE & NOW!!!!!! www.JoinApril.com

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Katrina's First Recital

Today was my youngest daughters first ballet recital! Talk about PROUD PARENTS! Was so much fun, she worked so hard for so many weeks trying to remember her dance. She wasn't nervous even in the slightest. Was fun to just watch her do her thing! So glad to be in a position in life that we can be able to provide things for our children that lots of people can't. Thank you Lord for bringing ItWorks into our life!!!!