For many MANY years brave me & women (including my husband) have signed a blank check written out to this country, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice so we can live a peaceful free life. The red,white & blue colors make me proud of where i live, my life, & my husband, along with all those who have served & will serve. A thank you isn't even enough for what they were/are willing to pay.
This 4th of July we will set off fireworks, sing the national anthem, and embrace the feeling of being FREE! Having freedom is something most Americans take for granted, and really don't realize what a blessing it is. We will remember the fallen men & women, and pray for the ones still fighting. We will also celebrate in the new found freedom we've gained with this amazing company called ItWorks!
You ask, how can ItWorks have given you freedom? Freedom to get up and go as we please. Freedom to want to say no to the things our daughters ask for, not because we don't have money to buy it, but because we want to teach them. The freedom of not being BOUND by a J.O.B. and make the owner of that company rich with our hard work. The freedom to be able to get our daughters into a 4 year university when the time comes, and them being the FIRST in the family to attend one. The freedom of changing our family legacy for decades to come. The freedom from health issues, being sick, being over weight, and finally feeling healthy again. The FREEDOM this company can offer everyone (because there's no discrimination) is really indescribable. That feeling of being FREE, doing as your wish, not having to worry, loving everything about your life...well it's a GREAT feeling.
This 4th of July I challenge you all, take a moment thank a service member past or present. Take a moment and be grateful of the freedom you have in your life, we ALL have freedom in some way or another. Appreciate what you do have, but never settle for it.
If you're in the Great NW please come join us on July 12th & learn about the ItWorks way of Friends, Fun, & FREEDOM!!!!!
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